
If You have problems during installation using Extensions Manager of Your Joomla, copying files and creating folders of Commedia could be done by FTP client. See this article for more information:

1.Unzip the latest Commedia ZIP file somewhere on your PC. You'll see the folder:

Joomla 1.5 Joomla 2.5+
com_commedia_J15 com_commedia_J25+

2. Create the following folders on your server (where Joomla! is running) (if there is not):


Also create folders:


Joomla 1.5 Joomla 2.5+






Joomla 1.5 Joomla 2.5+

Copy the com_commedia_J15/commedia.xml and all folders and files (except com_commedia_J15/admin/plugins folder) from com_commedia_J15/admin folder into your server's folder:


Copy all  files and folders (except language, plugins and site folders) from the com_commedia_J25+ folder into your server's folder:



Joomla 1.5 Joomla 2.5+
Copy all folders and files which are saved in site folder on your PC ( com_commedia_J15/site) into your server's folder:

Copy all folders and files which are saved in site folder on your PC ( com_commedia_J25+/site) into your server's folder:



5.  Copy content plugin folders and files:

Joomla 1.5 Joomla 2.5+

Copy all folders and files which are saved in com_commedia_J15/admin/plugins/content folder on your PC into your server's folder:


Copy all folders and files which are saved in com_commedia_J25+/plugins/content folder on your PC into your server's folder:



6.  Copy button plugin folders and files:

Joomla 1.5 Joomla 2.5+

Copy all folders and files which are saved in com_commedia_J15/admin/plugins/editors-xtd folder on your PC into your server's folder:


Copy all folders and files which are saved in com_commedia_J25+/plugins/editors-xtd folder on your PC into your server's folder:



7. Copy all files which are saved in languages/admin and languages/plugin folder on your PC into your server's folder:

  administrator/language (separately by language name)

Now all needed files should be saved on your server.

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