commedia radiosite|size=no|number=no|header=no;
Downloads: 4 | Now playing: |
| 0 min |
commedia radiosite;stream.nsv
Number | Download | Name | Play | Size | Length | Rating |
2 | Downloads: 0 | Now playing: |
| 0 Mb | 0 min |
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Is it possible to use your plugin to play my online radio station.
Can you help answer the following question to help with my purchasing decision.
1. will the extension play on mobile phones.
2. is it responsive?
3. Can it display NOW PLAYING Track, JUST PLAYED
1. You can test it Yourself on Your phone. It plays fine on my iPad 3 and on Galaxy S2 of my daughter.
2. I didn't understand that.
3. The Commedia is player, wich plays file or http-stream. It takes them from another source: local files on Your site or external files from another server.
Where do I place the string/stream?
where do I place the string:
commedia radiositehttp:/ /http://213.202 .241.199:8414/s tream/commedia
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