
Move muse cursor on the Play/Pause button, please, to see the playing count value.


Переместите курсор на кнопку Воспроизведения/Паузы, чтобы увидеть общее количество прослушиваний файла.

commedia playcount=yesmusic/lmfao_-_Sexy_and_i_know_it.mp3/commedia

commedia playcount=nomusic/lmfao_-_Sexy_and_i_know_it.mp3/commedia

3.3333333333333 1 1 1 1 1 Rating 3.33 (3 Votes)



+1 # differences?Hedrock 2012-04-17 12:28
I con't see any difference between the two examples above...
Is it just an error in settings of the two plugins? I am interested in this issue since it would be necessary for the application to a website I am administrating. ..
+1 # About counting of plaing filesecolora 2012-04-29 04:10
Put Your mouse cursor on Play button, please. You'll see the tittle with count of playing in first example.

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